Good news if you just got a PlayStation 4 console and you were wondering whether you should get Killzone Shadow Fall. PlayStation Plus members can now start pre-loading a special FREE multi-player edition as part of an extended Open Weekend which will run from the 28th to 31st of December 2013.
Any PlayStation 4 owners wishing to try out the game can have full access to the multiplayer mode of the game only during the open weekend, though both single player and multiplayer content will be downloaded onto your machine. You will not, unfortunately, be able to unlock single player content during the open weekend. As only the multiplayer content will be open, you can prioritise this when downloading so that it completes first.
Speaking in a post on the official Playstation Blog , Guerilla games said ”It’s also important for us to reiterate that the Killzone Shadow Fall MP experience will continue to evolve and expand with new content and additional features. In fact, a new update is about to go live that addresses many oft-requested features, including the addition of voice chat” In addittion, players can Check for more info on competitions, or see if there are any tournaments you can watch or, if you fancy yourself, participate in during the open weekend.
The announcement also made a point of mentioning that all additional maps would be made available for free from now on to ensure that the Killzone community grows without fragmenting. Sounds like great news to us, there will be more updates coming soon on Killzone Shadow Fall. In the meantime have a look at the poster for the Open Weekend below, and let us know if youre going to take part? If so, start downloading early!
