Although it feels agonizingly close to the release of the PS5 later this year, there’s still some time to go before we can open up the box and embrace the next generation of consoles. It can feel like a lifetime before we can try out the full range of groundbreaking games that will be available.
So how do you kill time in between now and the holiday release that has been rumored? Well, here are few ideas to keep impatient gamers calm until that special day arrives.
Return to Your Roots
We all have those games that we remember fondly from our childhood. They could have been the games we played deep into the night with friends during sleepovers or those you remember playing all summer long from sunrise to sunset.
While you’re waiting for the PS5 to arrive at your closest store, why not drag these games out of storage and see if they are just as engaging as you remember?
Sure, the graphics might not be ideal, and you could find the controls a little cumbersome, especially compared to the sleek and smooth mobility of modern games, but this is all part of the experience and nostalgia, and it will transport you straight back to simpler times.
Try a New Medium
If you can’t find your old games and consoles because your parents decided you were never going to play them again, don’t despair just yet.
There are plenty of other mediums for you to try, including online games such as Thunderstruck II or PC games that you can usually find for cheap. You almost certainly have a laptop or a computer, and as these gaming accounts are free, you can get cheap older games, such as Fallout, to tide you over until the PS5 comes out.
Using a different medium might feel a little strange at first compared to consoles, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to scratch that itch as you get to grips with the mechanics and nuances that set them apart from your regular console.
Finish Those Other Games!
If you’re anything like every other gamer that has ever lived, you almost certainly have a pile of unfinished, nearly finished, or abandoned-too-early games that are collecting dust somewhere in your room. There is no better time than right now to get back to these games and see if you can complete them before the PS5 goes on sale.
Depending on the type of gamer you are, you may be satisfied with completing the main story and no more, or you might want to complete everything and engage in the online multiplayer until you are top of the leaderboard.
Of course, there’s no such thing as a right or wrong way to complete games, so this is entirely up to you.
Challenge Yourself

Even if you have completed most of your games, you don’t need to forget about them forever. Instead, consider challenging yourself by trying different difficulty levels, testing yourself with speed runs, or giving yourself personal challenges, such as the No Damage challenge that many people have tried with Shadow of the Colossus or even Dark Souls.
These challenges can add a more exciting element to the game, making it more appealing, and increasing the replayability, which is a significant thing for many gamers.
It should keep you busy for long enough, and while there will be plenty of frustration, it also helps you recognize your faults as a gamer, which will encourage you to look for ways to improve.
Support Indie Devs
Everyone always raves about the latest releases from the likes of Bethesda, EA, or Activision, but these are not the only places you can find incredibly immersive and rewarding games.
As an experienced gamer, you probably have all the most iconic titles already, so look for the hidden gems and support indie developers. Without these, the next generation of gaming is in severe peril, and as the games are so cheap, you can purchase a wide range of titles for the same price you’d only be able to get one brand new release from a major studio.
Waiting Patiently
Gaming is all about patience. You need to graft and work hard to get from one mission to another. Sometimes, you need to dive deep into the lore and secrets, especially if you’re someone who enjoys getting 100% completion. With this in mind, it’s surprising that gamers can get impatient waiting for a new release, but at least these ideas will give you something to distract you until the day finally arrives.