inFAMOUS  Second Son

inFamous Second Son was released to much acclaim and has proved to be justified in its claim as one of the best, if not the best, of current PlayStation 4 games. Now Sucker Punch, the games’  developers, have announced that they are working on an update in response to player feedback and to resolve key bugs.

The PS4 update is due in the coming weeks and will include:

  • Ability to change the time of day. Once players have completed the game, they will start to see a new entry that lets you select the time of day in the options menu.
  • 30FPS Cap. Although the games’ makers have  signalled that they prefer the unlocked frame rate, in response to some players having issues with this, Sucker Punch have promised to provide an option to not go over 30FPS for those who prefer to play that way.
  • Toggle HUD. For those who like to take screenshots of their gaming action, you’ll soon be able to turn the HUD on or off.

This update is expected in a couple of weeks time and we’ll let you know when it arrives, – for now, let us know in the comments section below which of these updates you’re most excited about, or if not, what you’d like added in the future.

inFAMOUS Second Son PS4 bundle
inFAMOUS Second Son PS4 bundle
