It’s that time of the month again when we find out which games will be coming to PlayStation Plus in the next month. So as we come to the end of December and the year 2017, Sony has once again revealed its list of free PS4 games on PS Plus for January 2018. Headlining the list are Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Batman: The Telltale Series, and a bonus PS VR title. As usual, there are also a couple of PS3 and Vita games too.

Free PS4 Games on PS Plus for January 2018
For most gamers, January will be a lean month in terms of their video game spending. You may have been lucky enough to receive a few new titles as gifts, in which case there may be no need to buy anything yet. On the other hand, you may have spent too much on gifts or for your own gaming needs over the holidays. Either way, a fresh new batch of free games to download wouldn’t go amiss.
And so to PlayStation Plus in January 2018. Members will get Edios’ action role-playing stealth video game Deus Ex: Mankind Divided on PS4. In addition, the hit game will be joined by Batman: The Telltale Series, the episodic point-and-click graphic adventure title from Telltale Games. That’s quite a batch already and enough to keep gamers on PS4 busy for the month.
But that’s not all because there’s also a couple of bonus titles available.
Bonus PS Plus January 2018 Games : PS VR Added
First up is the hilarious social Quiz game That’s You!, a PlayStation 4 exclusive title from the the PlayLink library. PlayLink games concentrate on social gaming for everyone so give this one a try with your family or mates.
For those on PS VR there’s also another free game available. In addition to the above, those with the virtual reality gaming rig also get recognition. We here at PS4 Mag feel that Sony has upped its support for PS VR of late. Here’s hoping you find one under the Christmas tree this year! Consequently, StarBlood Arena for PS VR will also be available free on PS Plus in January 2018.
Here’s the full list of games coming to PS plus in January 2018, courtesy of the PlayStation Blog:
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4)
- Batman: The Telltale Series (PS4)
- StarBlood Arena (PS Plus bonus – PS VR required)
- That’s You! (PS Plus bonus – PlayLink)
- Sacred 3 (PS3)
- Book of Unwritten Tales 2 (PS3)
- Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (PS Vita)
- Uncanny Valley (PS Vita & PS4)