From time to time you are likely to see an article online, through blogs or social media, where people talk about earning an income through gaming or playing video games. But is this really something that is possible or achievable? Can you really make money through the gaming industry, or simply by playing video games?
So, Can You?
Well, to answer it quickly, the answer is that yes, it is possible. But as with most things, there are some caveats. First of all, you need to remember that you are unlikely to make a complete fortune through gaming. It can happen for some, but if it was simple and easy, everyone would be doing it.
Second of all, it might not be quite as fun or exciting as it might sound on the surface, but then again, is making money ever that thrilling? One of the other things to consider is just how much you need to separate the real opportunities from the scams that are out there; if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
So with all of that in mind, here are some ways that you can make money playing video games, or in the gaming industry in general.

Become a Beta Tester
All video games go through a lot of beta testing before they are launched to the general public. And as such, they need people with some gaming experience to be able to test it all out. So if you wanted to be part of that, it can be an interesting and pretty fun way to earn some extra money, as well as staying on top of the latest in the industry. You should probably be aware that you are unlikely to be working with huge brands, as it is going to be the games that no one has ever used before. They want real people to test these things out and give honest feedback.
Investing for many people is something that can seem like a big and scary world; what does it even mean? But investing some money into shares within a company, for example, means that you have a part of it, and when that company does well, you can too. And with the future of gaming looking bigger and brighter than ever, is it time to start looking into video gaming ETF (exchange-traded fund)? As it is likely to be an industry that you have a lot of interest in, then it can be a really positive thing and something that you could find fascinating, seeing how it all works. Of course, as with any investing, you need to do your research. So read up on it and ask around, if this takes your fancy.
Game Reviewer
With the rise of social media and sites like YouTube, plus the growing market of blogging, you could easily start your own site or video channel where you review games. There are people already doing this, but there is no reason why you couldn’t as well. It is a good idea to go with a specific niche, then you’re much more likely to get a loyal following, who are interested in what you have to say.