Alien Trap Games has announced that Apotheon, a Greek mythology inspired game, will be due for release at the beginning of 2015. The game, made in partnership with PlayStation and Sickhead games, is a side scrolling hack em up that immerses players deep into Greek mythology in a stylish and new way.
In the game, players find themselves on Mount Olympus, the home of Greek mythology gods, where every divine being has sought refuge after fleeing earth. The result is an overcrowded Olympus where all manner of displaced gods take up residence in any space they can find, with squatters taking over and defiling shrines, marketplaces, and even the sewers. Any resemblance of order is in Zeus’ House where armed guards have to keep up constant patrols to keep the peace.
There is a lot to explore on Mount Olympus and once players get there they can choose to tackle their ascent in any way they choose; fighting any of the newly resident gods, testing their wits against any of them as well as plundering homes for treasure. Gamers can descend into the dark depths of Hades, explore the forests of Artemis, or battle enemies in the Agora.
Players not well versed in Greek mythology need not worry as quotations from the ancient gods and characters themselves will keep you in the loop, while AlienTrap Games has tried to stay as authentic as possible to the mythology by consulting a Classic Literature Consultant.
A more definite release date will be forthcoming in the near future so keep checking here for updates and we’ll let you know as soon as that’s confirmed.